Specialist Mobile Care Application



We have partnered with a leading health care technology company (Axis Home Care Management) using an application which will allow our caregivers access to real time client information.  This will allow both the caregiver and the care manager to see exactly what is happening and when.

Each caregiver has a handheld device with the application on which shows them:

  • Their full schedule for the day
  • Start time and duration of each visit
  • What the client likes to be called
  • Up to date information about how the client is feeling
  • The clients care plan for that visit and previous visits
  • All medications
  • Dedicated space to record the details of the visit
  • Real time access to the care manager to report any issues raised during the visit
  • Space to make notes, add comments for the next caregiver if it is going to be someone different

All this data is securely held; encrypted and password protected.  We are able to monitor the caregiver and the client while the visit is occurring.  Any concerns the client or caregiver has can be quickly flagged to the care manager and any necessary measures can be immediately activated to ensure you or your loved one is proactively cared for.